Prepare My Bathwater

Mars quickly got off his horse and walked inside. John bowed down to show respect and greeted him. 

"Please prepare my bathwater," said the crown prince coldly. He walked toward his old room in the royal palace.

John stood dumbfounded on the spot when he heard the prince's order. The butler was shocked to see Mars returned in such a short amount of time.

Shouldn't he still be on the road by now?

Did he travel without stopping for three weeks?

Even if he did it in one month, he would be really exhausted. Yet he made it home in slightly over three weeks? 

He could have died of exhaustion!

John hurriedly walked inside and ordered his subordinates to prepare the bathwater for the prince. He could imagine the arduous journey that Mars took to get here. He must be really, really tired and needed his hot bath to relax his mind.

"John, I want the same thing!"