Your Friend Is Waiting For You

Mars quickly finished his lunch and got ready to go. When he got up from his seat, Harlow happened to wake up. The baby's cry immediately got his attention.

"Oh, no..." the new father was in a panic. He turned to Lily and asked her what to do.

"It's okay. Sometimes babies cry when they wake up. They just need to be hugged or cradled, to know that they are safe and loved," Lily explained. "Do you want to carry her in your arms?"

Mars nodded. "Yes, please."

"Well, you can just take her from the basket. I think you already know what to do," said Lily with a smile.

She knew Mars thought she was going to get Harlow for him and then hand him the baby. Well, Lily was not going to do that.

She wanted the man to do it himself, so he could get used to picking up his daughter and holding her on his own.