She Is Still Alive?

"What do you mean she is not dead? This is not the time for a joke, Ellena," said Mars impatiently. 

"I meant what I said. She is not dead. She faked her death, with my help. She must be already far away from here now," said Ellena persistently.

Mars was stunned when he heard her words. He knew Ellena was not one to pull stupid pranks on him. And she looked so serious when she spoke.

Was she telling the truth?

Was Emmelyn really not dead?

Did she fake her death?

So many emotions filled his heart and mind. Mars didn't know what to make of Ellena's words.

"Ellena, I don't have time for riddles or playing guessing games. I need to know EVERYTHING. What happened, what did you do to help her?? Where is she now...??" Mars raised his balled fist and pressed it on the table next to him. 

He had to exert all her sanity not to explode and shake the truth out of Ellena.