That Is An Order

"Father..." Mars came to his father and called him. The grieving king looked up and stared at him with a deadpan expression.

The prince took the initiative to hug his father. When his hands touched the king's shoulders, King Jared was suddenly moved from his daze. He returned the hug.

He couldn't say anything but both knew their silence meant more than a thousand words uttered.

They hugged for several minutes to vent the sadness they experienced for losing the woman they loved. Queen Elara was the sweetest woman they were blessed to know and losing her hurt the men deeply.

"Father, you look unwell," Mars said after he let go of his father from his hug.

The king wiped his wet eyes and shook his head. "I am fine."

Mars knew many people wanted the king to hold a proper burial for the queen so the people could mourn her passing, and then moved on.