The King Wants To Abdicate

Mars didn't pay any heed to the officials' talk. 

"Yes. Harlow is a girl," he replied to his father's question. His face looked proud of his daughter. The king only nodded. He went back to his throne and sat with a murky face.

"You came in the right time," he said in a hoarse voice. The king motioned his son to take a seat because he had an important announcement to make.

"I came as soon as I knew," Mars explained. He realized he still needed to visit his mother and paid his last respects. He planned to do it later today.

Now, he had to sort out the issues in the capital and make sure his father was not surrounded by corrupt government officials who only wanted to take advantage of his poor mental health.

"So, did you kill the witch?" King Jared asked Mars. "Tell us what happened."