Looking For Information

The two women ate dinner in silence. Then, they lay down their bodies on the soft grass and rest. The sky was clear and they could see the millions of stars above them. It was a beautiful sight.

"I don't have my mother, growing up," suddenly Kira spoke in a low voice. She still closed her eyes and didn't even turn to Emmelyn, but it was obvious that she talked to her.

Emmelyn didn't respond. She didn't know what Kira wanted by sharing this personal information. So, she just waited.

"It's sad. I was raised and grew up among pirates and I become used to their way of living. Many times, I wish I have my mother with me, to teach me how to be a woman and listened to my questions and..." Kira took a deep breath and when she realized her feelings had become mushy, she quickly added, "I just hope you can go back to your daughter."

Emmelyn opened her eyes and turned to look at Kira. The woman had turned her back to her and pretended to sleep.