What's Lyla's Hidden Agenda?

"Yes, yes.. I am back. I have got some things for you that can help you find that woman," said Lyla. She sat down on her chair and put a wooden box next to her.

She chuckled and facepalmed herself. "But I just realized you haven't really eaten anything. I am such a bad host. You should eat first and then we can discuss the work after dinner with more wine. Then... you can sleep on it and let me know your decision tomorrow. What do you think?"

"Sounds good," said Emmelyn. She had lost her appetite but she forced herself to eat her meal. This was not time to be weak. She had to find the Leoraleis and at the same time avoid being captured.

They continued eating without saying anything. All of them seemed to want to hurry so they could get to the main topic. Once the food was cleared from the table, Lyla motioned Anna and Lucia to leave them and gave them privacy.

"Okay, where were we?" she asked Emmelyn.