King Loriel Ashborne

"The Serpent is my father," Kira said nonchalantly. "So, you know him?"

The knights exchanged glances. They just happened to hear about the Grim Serpent's reputation. He was a ruthless pirate lord who pillaged coastal cities and robbed many merchant ships. They knew the man from his famous snake tattoo and called himself the Sea Serpent.

So... this woman standing before them was his daughter?

"Anyone could make such tattoo to scare people," the leader decided to challenge Kira's statement. "How do we know that you are really Grim Serpent's daughter?"

"You don't," said Kira casually. "And I don't care if you believe me or not. I will not do anything to you though. I am in no mood to fight. I am just going to ask you if to explain to me about the bounty. Is that so hard to do?"