Ready To Go

Emmelyn could rest properly that night. She slept a dreamless sleep and in the morning she felt so fresh and alert.

This change was noticed by Kira who had been traveling with Emmelyn for one week and saw her looking glum or quiet most of the time.

She realized Emmelyn had turned brighter and happier after they reached Lakeshire and met Maxim. Before, she looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. Now, Emmelyn looked like she had shared her burden and could feel more at ease.

"How was your sleep last night?"  Maxim asked Emmelyn when they had breakfast together in the inn's dining room which was located on the ground floor.

"It was good,"  Emmelyn smiled. "I am now fresh and ready to go." 

"That's good," Maxim said before he finished his tea and then took out a scroll from his pocket. The man spread it on the table and Emmelyn could see a nice map.