Shall We Take The Dragon To Castilse?

Margueritte looked at Raphael with disbelief. "I am sure that's not the reason why you helped her."

Raphael chuckled and looked out the window. His gaze seemed to see far in the distance. Then he replied, "You are right, Mother. I actually helped her because I saw the future."

After saying that, Raphael resumed playing his music. He refused to answer any more questions from Margueritte. The white witch knitted her brows and tried to decipher what Raphael meant by his words.

She knew Raphael was a seer. He had the gift that even among elven royals was rare to have. Margueritte had seen many of his words came true all this time.

She knew Raphael would never speak carelessly. He didn't have a sense of humor and never joke around with his words.

So.. what did he see in the future that made him decide to help Emmelyn?