Renwyck's Family

"Huh? So, he is not actually her son?" Maxim became intrigued by Renwyck's story. "How did you know that?"

Renwyck let out a nervous laugh and sipped his wine again. "The boy is not human. I don't know how he ended up with Margueritte, but he was the reason why Margueritte decided to seclude herself in the mountain and build an ice castle. She seemed like she wanted to hide him from— I don't know who. She wouldn't say."

"When was the last time you met them? Before today, I mean," Maxim asked again. Apparently, Margueritte's and Raphael's story was quite interesting. "How long has she been living there? I have never heard about her until recently."

"Well, I met them ten years ago. The boy was only eight. I think Margueritte was keeping a low profile when the boy was still young. And now that he is older, she decided to be more relaxed. He called me uncle because I married Margueritte's sister," Renwyck explained.