Break Is Over

Emmelyn spent a relaxing week in Castilse. She was pampered and treated like a queen and that made her feel slightly bad. He felt like a freeloader who was leeching off Maxim's resources.

"Stop thinking that way," Kira shook her head.

She was enjoying sliced fruits served by the maids on a silver platter. She and Emmelyn were sitting leisurely on a big balcony outside of Emmelyn's chamber. The view from this balcony was so beautiful. 

They could see the lake in the middle of the palace compound with so many swans swimming leisurely. Several jacaranda trees with blooming flowers were swayed by the gentle breeze and sent some light rain of flower petals in their direction. It was bliss.

"Huh?" Emmelyn looked at Kira. "I do feel that way. When I met him, I didn't know he is THIS rich and powerful. Now that I am at my lowest point, I am taking advantage of his kindness without contributing anything."