Going To The Ice Cave

Mars realized Edgar must need rest after undertaking such an arduous journey from Summeria. He asked the man to go back to his home and get some rest. He will go to the ice cave and see his mother, to see if the scarf really worked or not.

"No, Your Majesty, please allow me to go with you. I have to see this through because Lady Emmelyn entrusted me with this task. So, I want to know as well if Queen Elara could be revived or not," Edgar said.

Mars understood Edgar was a dedicated man and he wanted to do his job until it's completed. So, he nodded. "Very well. You can come with me."

"Thank you. Uhm, can we please go after I brought Sand to my family's estate?" Edgar asked. "I owe it to King Loriel to make sure he is well taken care of."

Mars thought about it and replied, "Why don't we let the dragon rest near the palace compound? I will have John prepare food and a place for him to rest. We have that sacred hill at the back of the main palace."