Mars Is Planning A Royal Ball

Edgar didn't pay Gewen any heed. He patted his friend's back and looked straight into his eyes. "You have one week to say goodbye to your mother. After Sand gets his rest, I will send him back to Summeria, and you are coming with him."

Gewen pursed his lips. He was not a coward. He would die for his country, especially for his best friend. He would do anything for Mars.

However, now, thinking that this mission would probably take his life, the man couldn't help but think about his beloved mother. He was his family's only son and they were hoping he could continue their family line.

Alas! He never wanted to marry and settle down with just one woman. He thought he would have plenty of time for that once he became old and boring.

He planned to get a wife to make his mother happy when the time came.  However, now he realized that the opportunity might never come.