Where Is Mr. Vitas??

The ballroom immediately went into chaos when the guests witnessed how Ellena Greystorom committed the unforgivable sin. Not only did she allegedly attempt to kill the old queen, now she attacked the old king before so many witnesses.

"Father!" Mars quickly got to his father and checked on his condition. The blood drained from his face when he realized how severe was the injury sustained by his father. The young king immediately shouted for help. "Go get Mr. Vitas as soon as possible!"

Edgar jumped from his seat and came to Mars's side. Their clothes were covered in blood as the two men tried to help Jared Strongmoor from his grave injury.

"You little wench! You are really something, huh?" Sir Heron swung his fist and tossed the sword out of Ellena's hand. Then, he grabbed her arms and twirled them behind her back to subdue her.