Have You Met Princess Elise?

Emmelyn wished she understood their language. She really wanted to know what Maxim was talking about with the soldiers. Whatever it was, it seemed working.

They finally stepped back and gave way for Maxim and Emmelyn to pass through. An old man in black attire came out from the palace entrance and welcomed them. 

"Hello, my name is Tides. On behalf of the royal family, I would like to welcome Prince Loriel Ashborn to Myreen." The old man smiled at Maxim. "Your Grace, you have finally come."

Maxim had been the monarch of Summeria for two years now, so he shouldn't be addressed as Prince Loriel Ashborn, but His Majesty King Loriel Ashborn.  However, he didn't bother to correct the man by giving him that information.

As long as Tides knew who he was, Maxim felt relieved. That means, his mother was still acknowledged in Myreen and this should help his cause.