Maxim's Decision

"The trip will be so much slower..." Edgar said.

"I know."

"We have to make a lot of stops and—"

"Not really," Mars interrupted his friend. "We will use the new carriages. They are much bigger and designed to have smoother movements. We will move in day time like usual and rest at night time. Many nomad tribes live like this and their children are okay with it. This would be slightly unusual for Harlow, but children adapt fast."

He didn't want to bring Harlow with him and expose her to hardships and danger, but Mars couldn't stay at home and do nothing while his wife was going further and further away from him.

What if Gewen failed to reach the destination and cleared the misunderstanding between him and Emmelyn? As the king, Mars knew he shouldn't rely on just one plan. There should always be Plan B, Plan C, and so on.