[Bonus chapter] Emmelyn's Decision

Emmelyn was rendered speechless by Maxim's confession. She didn't know what to say. Why did Maxim have to put her in this difficult situation?

Of course, if it was up to her, she would want Maxim to marry his fiancee and get rid of this bad luck from Emmelyn's life.

However, how could she do this to him, the man she called her best friend?

No... how could she do this to another woman? Even though Emmelyn didn't know Elise, whether she was good or bad, no woman deserved this treatment.

Maxim wouldn't feel happy, being in a loveless marriage.

Elise would also suffer, being in one-sided love.

In Emmelyn's opinion, two wrongs didn't make a right. It was wrong that Catalina Leoralei had selfishly put a protection spell on Maxim to ensure he couldn't love another woman.

However, forcing Maxim to marry the woman he didn't love, just to break the curse that originated from the protection spell would be wrong too.