Maxim Wants To Go Home

Meanwhile, in Myreen, Maxim had to make a difficult decision. After he recovered from his injuries, Emmelyn still didn't wake up. It had been one week and nobody could tell him if Emmelyn would ever wake up from her sleep.

Maxim felt so guilty and depressed by what happened. What's the point of sacrificing himself to marry Elise if Emmelyn ended up dying?

Everything he wanted to do was to make her happy, but what happened until now was the opposite. His love brought so much pain and suffering into her life. If Emmelyn never recovered, Maxim would never forgive himself.

"Renwyck, we should go home soon," said Maxim to his trusted man, Renwyck the wizard, after he was deep in thoughts, trying to decide what's best to do in this situation.

Every day, he would visit Emmelyn in her chamber and sat by her bedside, talking to her about whatever.  He hoped Emmelyn could hear him when he talked to her, and responded in any way.