Gewen And Kira Talk About Kira's Friend

Gewen brushed off his annoyance and explained to Kira the reason why he was in Summeria. Of course, he didn't tell her EVERYTHING, just enough to describe the nature of his mission.

"So... my friend and his wife got into a misunderstanding and he sent me to come here and talk to his wife, to clear his name," Gewen puffed up his chest. "He knew that women listen to me because they trust me and like me."

"Oh, is that so?" Kira wanted to roll her eyes at Gewen's words, but she held back.

She thought this man had helped her make the stretcher to bring her wolves to Castilse. She could at least be polite to him. Kira remembered her etiquette teacher taught her that women from noble families should be polite at all times. 

"Yeah, it's true," Gewen said proudly.

"Why don't your friend come here in person and talk to his wife? Is he mute?" Kira asked. "If he loves her, he should have made the effort."