The Long Journey To Castilse

The royal carriage from Myreen had been traveling for more than one month and they were still far from the destination. Just to leave Myreen and got back to Hellmoon Wilderness, they needed half a week.

From there, they continued the journey by traveling slowly toward Summeria. The difficult terrain and the distance made the journey become all the more slowly.

If only Emmelyn was not 'sick', they could have easily returned to Castilse on the back of Aslain the dragon. They only needed one month when they went from Castilse to Myreen, riding on dragons' backs leisurely. So, going back should take the same amount of time.

However, they couldn't have the luxury now, because Emmelyn was 'sick'. Maxim wouldn't risk Emmelyn's life just to arrive faster in his hometown.

Besides, what was there to do and to see in Castilse? Nothing. The only thing that mattered to Maxim was right here, on this carriage with him.