Long Live The King!!

"Welcome, Your Majesty... We are very honored to have you here." Lord Hirsch smiled broadly when he welcomed Maxim and Renwyck at the dining hall. "Uhm... yesterday was your birthday. So, we want to celebrate it with you today. I hope you will enjoy the food we serve. "

Behind him, there were his whole family, his wife and four children, and important government officials waiting for Maxim's arrival. All their faces were filled with awe and happiness.

They still couldn't believe their eyes. The king.... he really came to their humble city!

When Maxim entered the hall, all the women curtseyed and the men bowed down respectfully. After he greeted them, they all looked up to him and listened to his every word.

"Thank you," Maxim finally smiled. He was pleasantly surprised that he could celebrate his birthday far away from home. When Renwyck mentioned it last night, he didn't really think about it.