Gewen's Story

"Your Majesty!!"

Mars had never felt happier when he heard Gewen's voice at the door, calling him with honorifics. He immediately dashed and hugged the man warmly. The knight who brought Gewen in understood that the man who came just now was really King Mars's friend.

He let out a sigh of relief and decided to leave them to have privacy. Mars and Gewen exchanged hugs and patted each other on the back. It was so good to see their dear friend still alive and healthy.

Mars couldn't wait to hear what happened to Gewen after he left Draec, but he managed to hold back and asked a servant who was waiting outside to call Edgar to his chamber.

He wanted the three of them to talk together and exchanged news. He didn't want Gewen to repeat his story if Edgar was not here to hear him the first time.