Renwyck Is Back

Things suddenly moved in a swift motion. Maxim only asked for detail when he met the prime minister and the army commanders, and then he took over.

"I will go to the frontline tomorrow. Get everything ready," he said without an ounce of emotion shown on his face. "I will teach Stevan a lesson for being so presumptuous and taking my mother."

"What about... Draec?" General Longfellow asked the king carefully. "They seem to be a force to be reckoned with."

So many people were surprised because not once Maxim talked about the real enemy, Draec.

King Stevan from Astland was just riding the enemy's coattails and took the opportunity to gain something from the conflict, but he was the only one that Maxim talked about.

"I can handle it myself," Maxim said coldly. "Now, my priority is getting my mother back, alive and well. Draec is not a big problem."