Baby Harlow Rides The Dragon (2)

"Give Harlow to me," Mars asked Gewen to hand over his daughter.

Gewen kissed Harlow's hair and both his cheeks before he reluctantly gave the baby to Mars.

"Bye, little bear. Take care, okay? See you soon. Uncle Gewen will go to Castilse as soon as possible and pick you up. Tell aunty Kira that I... I miss her."

He uttered his last sentence in a whisper, so only Harlow could hear him. Gewen was actually surprised to hear himself admitting that he was missing someone. 

Ahh.... what was going on here? He hit himself in the head exasperatedly. He didn't understand why he told Harlow he missed Kira. Did he really miss her? It actually felt strange.

He had never missed a woman besides his mother before. What was happening to him?

Ahhh... Gewen felt confused. He didn't know what to do with this feeling.

"What are you doing?" Mars furrowed his brows when he saw Gewen hit himself. "Are you okay?"