I Can Help You Change

Dinner lasted peacefully. Emmelyn was happy to see the two men she cared about were civil with each other. She thought they could maybe someday become friends if they would allow themselves.

"Thank you for your help and your hospitality. I have heard about what happened in Astland and how you invited Mars and Harlow to come here with the dragons..." Emmelyn said after they finished dinner. She was so grateful because Maxim did it for her sake. 

"That's what friends are for," Maxim said with a smile. He was wondering if Emmelyn had told Mars the truth about the reason why she was cursed and why she gave up on life. His gut told him that Emmelyn had not done it.

"Thank you, nonetheless..." Emmelyn said. She turned to look at Mars who was paying attention to her every word. "I need to talk with Mars and catch up on a lot of things. Then, I will know what to do."