Falling In Love Has Made You Lose All Your Intelligence

Emmelyn cast her glance toward the three men who were standing at the end of the deck, talking with wine in their hands. Gewen had joined Mars and Edgar there and now it seemed the three men decided to watch the sunset together.

From this side, the three men made a really beautiful sight with the orange skyline as the background. Emmelyn nudged Kira, "Can't you tell that Gewen likes you?"

She decided to bring up that subject again because she felt sorry for Gewen who had been trying to get Kira's attention for four months to no avail. Emmelyn wanted to know if Kira intentionally act cold toward Gewen, or she was really unaware of the man's feelings.

Kira shook her head. "No, I have no idea. What makes you think he likes me?"

"Well... I thought it's quite obvious," Emmelyn chuckled. "He always found excuses to come and talk to you, and his face had that stupid grin whenever he saw your presence."