Mars Wants To Plan More Baby-Making Projects

"I love you, Lily..." Emmelyn laughed with tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much for everything. Your friendship means the world to me."

"Likewise, Your Majesty..." Lily wiped the tears from her eyes and laughed too. Emmelyn felt weird hearing Lily call her 'Your Majesty' but she knew she would have to get used to it from now on.

No matter what, she was now the queen of this country because her husband was the king. Looking back, never in a million years, the youngest daughter of King Rosehill from Wintermere, a small insignificant kingdom by the sea, someday would become the queen of the biggest empire in their continent.

Life worked in a mysterious way, she thought. Now, instead of hating the oppressor, she was married to them and called Draec her home. Maybe, if she still had her family members left, they would criticize her choice, but since she was now all alone, she could live her life without having to feel the guilt all her life.