Sex Education From Mr. Vitas

Emmelyn vomited her breakfast and lunch as soon as they arrived in their chamber. This made Mars really anxious and worried. He shouted orders to John to immediately call Mr. Vitas.

He wanted the physician to check on his wife's condition. He was worried because Emmelyn got really sick after seeing Ellena. She was fine the past few days after they reached the capital and had been resting after the long journey. 

Since it only happened after the visit to the prison, Mars thought it might be psychological or something of that sort, and to him, it was scarier than physical ailments.

"Oh gosh... let it all out, to make you feel better," he whispered as he rubbed Emmelyn's nape lovingly. "Mr. Vitas will be here very soon."

"B-but... this room is now di-dirty...." Emmelyn pressed her mouth, trying to hold back from puking more her stomach content to their beautiful marble floor. She felt really awful.