Kira And Mars

The commotion in the market didn't escape the king's hearing. He heard about how the prisoner escaped with the help of several mysterious people.

Of course, he pretended to summon Kira and the four knights to interrogate them on what happened. 

The leader of the four knights immediately dropped himself to the floor and begged the king's mercy.  He was so sure that he would be punished with death for letting go of the person who had attempted to assassinate the previous monarchs.

However, much to his surprise, King Mars Strongmoor looked so understanding. He only ordered them to go find the kidnappers and brought reinforcement to also check Duke Preston's home.

"Even though the duke didn't admit it, we all know that Ellena Greystorm is his biological daughter. Perhaps, he saw this as a last-ditch attempt to save his only child," Mars said calmly. "Go find him and investigate. I strongly believe this must be related to him."