Clara Is Staying In The Guest Chamber

Clara took a really deep breath before she nodded at Edgar. She was ready to get out of this carriage and met Edgar's family. 

"Yes, let's go," she said with a nervous smile. The door was opened and Edgar got off the carriage first. Then, he reached out his hand and held Clara's hand to help her get off.

She was very nervous that her leg swayed when her foot touched the ground. She almost fell to the ground if Edgar didn't immediately scoop her up and carry her in his arms.

"Relax," he whispered gently. "My parents don't bite."

"Ahahah.. yeah, I know," Clara chuckled. Her face flushed so red when she realized she was in his strong arms. "Hey.. put me down... This is embarrassing."

"It will be more embarrassing if you fell down," Edgar replied with a smirk. "So... what do you think?"

Clara bit her lip and finally nodded. She shyly wrapped her hands around the man's neck to keep her balance. Her voice was barely audible when she said, "Fine."