The Royal Dinner

Mars and Emmelyn Strongmoor hosted dinner for the first time for their close friends and family. They finally used the banquet hall that could accommodate many people.

Among the guests were the whole Greenan family with Athos and Lily bringing their three children, Edgar and Clara, also Gewen and Kira. Harlow sat between Gewen and Louis, Lily's oldest son. Both males, young and adult seemed to adore her very much and Harlow loved basking in their attention.

"I hope it's okay if I brought my younger sister to dinner," Lily said when she arrived. "She just came yesterday and I don't want to leave her alone while we are having fun here."

From behind her, a beautiful girl with brown curly hair popped up and gave the hosts her biggest smile. She looked a lot like Lily, only younger, and seemed more carefree than her older sister. She immediately curtseyed and showed her respects to the Draecian monarchs.