Saying Goodbye

"Can I take you to your chamber, Miss Kira?" Gewen suddenly said after the guests were all getting ready to go home. Clara was holding Edgar's hand, and Athos wrapped his arms around Lily's waist dotingly.

Iris tilted her head when she heard Gewen's voice. She was wondering if Gewen really was talking to the other woman who looked mostly quiet during the dinner.

Did Lord Gewen want to spend more time with Kira? For what?

And most importantly, what was their relationship?

All these questions filled her heart with curiosity. Iris decided to ask her older sister for the answers after they reached home. In the meantime, she could only see Gewen standing firmly by the entrance, waiting for Kira to respond to his offer.

"Sure," Kira shrugged. She approached Gewen and looked at the man deeply. "Shall we go?"

Gewen nodded and then turned to Mars. "Thank you for the wonderful dinner. It was really nice. And again, congratulations on the new baby."