Loriel's Arrival

The queen was rendered speechless. She immediately rushed toward the banquet hall and look for Maxim. She needed to know if that was really him!

"M-Maxim?" Emmelyn croaked out. Her steps halted as soon as she came close to the former king of Summeria.

  The man looked almost just like how she remembered him and, save for the couple of years that were now visible in his face, he looked much younger than both Emmelyn and Mars, her husband.

Huh? This was strange, Mars thought to himself.

He was now 46 years old, and Emmelyn was 42. They were healthy and still looked good for their ages. However, this man before her… didn't look a day older than thirty? Perhaps even 28.

Did he encounter the fountain of youth or something??

"I go by another name now," Loriel crookedly grinned at his old friend. "You can call me Loriel."