Going Into Demons Realm

Princess Harlow Strongmoor stormed out of the elven kingdom once she understood the full picture. The Ice Prince was a visitor who was welcomed in the elven realm because he seemed to be a delight to many of the elves.

However, the reason for the bad blood between Raphael and the elves was simply heartbreak! Their princess was the one who fell in love with the Ice Prince and was the one who chased after him.

Honestly, Harlow was stupefied and thought she was silly for thinking that Raphael did something dangerous. The reason for his ostracization was enough to make her question the elves more.

It was such a ridiculous reason that Harlow couldn't help but just ask for the next portal to lead her into the next realm and then make her way out.

"Stupid arrogant elves," Harlow muttered underneath her breath. "You agree, right, Icecube?"