Portal To The Underworld

Mount Niflheim was like Mount Tempest's dark twin, but instead of being filled with ice, snow, and an ice castle at the peak, there was actually a dark cave in the center of it. As Harlow and Julian reached the opening, the princess thought she heard echoes of screams.

This made her shudder and unconsciously step back. However, seeing the man beside her look nonchalant about it, she cleared her throat and pretended she stepped on something and moved back. 

"What happened?" Julian asked her.

"Nothing. I think I stepped on something. That is all." The beautiful princess shook her head. She didn't want Julian to mock her for being scared. 

She was not scared, okay? Harlow was just startled by the sounds of people screaming from gods know where.

She took a deep breath and walked again more carefully. Her right hand held her torch tightly.