Julian Is Playing House

Harlow could see a crowd start to gather and surround the two men. However, contrary to what she expected, they did not try to stop the fight.  The crowd started egging on and encouraging the two men to continue fighting.

  "Oh, my gods!! Someone has got to stop them." Harlow exclaimed.

She glanced up at Icecube. If not her ice dragon then perhaps she could send a warning shot with her bow to stop the fight, couldn't she?

However, before the princess could even do anything, Julian already intercepted.

Or at least, Harlow thought the adventurer would.

The handsome man strode toward the crowd and made his way into the center. However, he did the exact opposite of what the princess planned.

"Okay, everyone who's betting for the lycan or tiger demon? I'll collect them!" Julian announced with a wide grin. "Betting starts at one copper and if you win, you get double what you bet."