Harlow Offers Raphael To Barter

Harlow ate in silence and tried not to show the fact that she was enjoying her meal, Raphael only watched her eat in satisfaction. He was pleased to see her eating her fill and not at all bothered that he was around.

Once Harlow finished eating, the two of them didn't say anything at once. A minute or two passed in complete silence that the princess faintly heard Icecube in the distance roaring and soaring through the clouds.

Finally, Harlow looked up from glaring at her plate and looked at Raphael. There was a patient look on the Demon King's face as he returned her look with one of his own and it made the princess sigh aloud.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" Raphael chuckled and carefully touched his face. There was a light expression on his face as he joked. "Are you disturbed by my horns?"

Harlow averted her gaze and shook her head. "No… I just can't believe that I've actually met you now."