Harlow Is Looking For An Answer

Harlow didn't realize it at first, but after crying so much, she eventually fell asleep in exhaustion. 

She later woke up and found herself feeling better, if not a little more refreshed. She looked around the room and found it was still the elegant design she slept in and not the lonely stone-cold walls.

She was worried that when Raphael left, all around her would go back to their original appearances. She would hate to stay in the ugly, grey, stone castle, and surrounded by ugly and scary servants and guards with many eyes, melted skin, and tentacles.

Those were stuff that would give her nightmares. So, seeing that all around her was still nice and not scary, Harlow felt relieved.

"I… I'll find out the truth myself." Harlow rose up and rubbed the sleep away from her eyes. When she looked out the window, it was almost evening, but she was determined to go out and leave her room.