Going Back To The Castle

As Harlow continued to sob, the minutes passed by along with hours, and before she knew it, the barren wasteland was now engulfed in darkness. When she raised her head, she felt her heart stuck in her throat.

It was already late.

The night sky was dotted with several stars gleaming. It was a beautiful sight but that wasn't what had pulled Harlow away from her thoughts and grief. Goosebumps filled her entire skin as she saw the incoming group.

"No. No." Harlow choked back and threw a look at Icecube to see if her ice dragon could also see them. Icecube rose and unfolded his wings as the incoming people approached her and that told the princess more than enough.

She wiped her tears and prepared herself. With one swift motion, she took out the blade from her waist and got ready to defend herself.