Harlow Is In Danger

Harlow thought that the beautiful woman must have gotten annoyed that she invaded her privacy. So, she cleared her throat and tried again with a smile. "Um, sorry for disturbing you, but I couldn't help but—"

"Couldn't help but what?" The woman narrowed her eyes at Harlow. "I'm not interested in anything that you have to offer me. I will not help any heroes or give you anything you wish for so you can get lost."

"That's not why I'm here!" Harlow frowned.

The beautiful woman sighed aloud and rose from the stone where she sat and looked down at Harlow. 

She had silky light blue hair going down all the way to her thighs. Her big emerald eyes looked so beautiful and glittering under the sun. It was as if they were really made of precious gems. Her lips were pink and luscious. Even her prideful expression made her look dignified and elegant.