Can Raphael Live As A Mortal?

"I'm so sorry, Raphael." Rowena glanced down at the waters and bit down on her lip. She hesitated and didn't jump immediately. However, it wasn't because she didn't know what the waters would do to her.

On the contrary, she knew what it was capable of.

The River of Death was potent and strong enough even for those who were 'immortals' in Cretea and it was something that needed to be revered and not frightened of. 

Even though Creteans were said to no longer be part of the cycle of life and death, it was still something to be reminded of. Now it was time for her to die and yet the surviving instincts instilled within her were refusing to make her budge and move towards it.

A terrified part of her wanted to run away, longed to be comforted by Raphael and another part of her wanted to storm up the palace's staircase and oppose Raphael's father, but she shunned that part of her.