Fading Away

"You choose to point your fingers at me and try to paint yourselves as the victim, however, the test I proposed was just," the king said. "You are my son, Raphael. How can I not worry about you? Did you feel her love during the last month or did she flinch away from what she perceived to be you?"

It made Raphael hesitate as he remembered the several occasions where he was rejected by his wife, where she truly feared him and even caused trouble for others. 

However, how could he pin the blame on Rowena when she was in so much agony? Nobody in their right mind would be prepared for intimacy if they were suffering such horrible punishment as she had. Raphael's father did not understand it at all.

Unfortunately for the King of Cretea, his powers were far greater than anyone else's, and he probably didn't comprehend the true capacity of a mortal mind. What seemed like a simple problem to him was insurmountable to anyone else.