Rowena's Guilt

Everyone present was nervous, waiting for the king to speak.

"It seems like the people who are working in the kitchen are not aware of the princess' diet and have chosen to feed her desserts," King Draco finally spoke sternly. "For that act, it is enough to dismiss all of you and lose your jobs."

"What?" Rowena's eyes widened in shock.

"Silence." King Draco narrowed his eyes on his daughter. His gaze returned back to the kitchen workers. "If the rest of you wish to be spared, I will only be making an example from one of you. Tell me, who was it that served the young princess the dessert?"

Rowena watched in horror as all of the kitchen workers immediately pointed out Leia. All of the people betrayed their fellow workers just to survive and have their jobs. King Draco looked at Leia and frowned.