When Lady Liz visited her later that morning, Rowena pretended that she was feeling unwell and could not proceed with the lessons and schedules for that day. She wished to avoid all of the teachers that King Draco provided for her so she could make her escape.
Rowena stayed in bed and refused to move, fortunately, it seemed the event of her father nearly killing her meant that King Draco didn't force her to attend her classes. It was only Lady Liz who talked with her and cared about her health.
Although the older woman was a bit perceptive.
"You… you don't look particularly sick." Lady Liz softly said.
"I'm really sick, Lady Liz," Rowena replied.
She was sick of this royal palace.
Rowena was sick of her life here.
The older lady smiled sadly at the young woman. "...I understand, Your Highness. Forgive me for my cowardice yesterday, I should have stayed but His Majesty…"