The Magician And His Assistant

"Do you remember that festival in Almere?" Julian asked Rowena when they were below the deck. The space they were given was a bit damp, and even a little musty, but it was less likely to feel dizzy.

"Yeah. It's where you stole my money pouch." Rowena chuckled as she sat down on one of the crate boxes. "How could I forget?"

Julian coughed and cleared his throat. He was guilty of that crime so he didn't try to refute her words. Come to think of it, from the way they met for the first time, who would have thought they would end up becoming good friends and even travel together.

"Well… Excluding that, there were a couple of really nice performers. Even though it was to celebrate the goddess and the harvest, most were there for business and entertainment. Did any of them catch your eye back then?"