Julian And Rowena In Kilshade

  The next few days soon flew by and before they knew it, both Rowena and Julian got the hang of how to be an excellent magician and assistant performer. During the entire festival, the two of them gained a lot of spectators who enjoyed their show and contributed to their income.

"Thank you so much for coming! All of you have been very amazing guests!" Julian grinned as he accepted a bouquet from Rowena. He plucked one then threw a rose among the crowd and watched a lot of young women eagerly fight over it. 

Rowena rolled her eyes at the sight, but she understood that she wasn't the only one who knew how to put their good looks to use. While Julian was not as well-versed as Rowena when it came to book knowledge, he was quick to think on his feet and knew how to get himself out of situations. 

"We will never forget you!" Julian said as his parting words and then threw a wink at Rowena.