Settling Down

"I didn't expect it to be this beautiful," Rowena said in a voice filled with awe. "It's truly impossible for a map to give it justice."

"I know, not only is it beautiful, it's like a paradise." Julian nodded. "There's so much resources here, it's a wonder why nobody has settled down in this land."

"Perhaps they want to respect nature here and let it keep its untouched state?" Rowena wondered.

The valley was a wonderful sight for both of them. Even Hades and Cinna looked like they wanted to run around or settle down in the soft grass to rest.

Rowena's gaze flickered around the sights.

In the nearby distance, perhaps another half hour away from where they were standing right now there was a snow-capped mountain to their right. A lovely landscape enough to take her breath away.

The bottom portion did not have snow, but its heights must have been so high up that snow took place there, along with a frosty mist that covered it.