Julian And Rowena In Verona

"You know, you look even scarier than Hades now—" Julian said.

Rowena threw a dark look at the man before she sighed and nodded. "I know. I just didn't expect that I'd hear about my father again, after all these years..."

"I mean, maybe we could be wrong? We didn't actually have any specific names since we kind of rushed out."

"Only my father would be crafty enough to make some excuse like that." Rowena shook her head. "But, let's not just think about him. We're going all the way North, as far as possible as we can from him."

"Of course." Julian nodded.

Rowena remained silent as they rode on until she suddenly threw a look at Julian and slowly spoke. "Grasshoppers afoot."

"Birds snatching?" Julian raised a brow.

"Straight ahead," Rowena said. "But let me just grab something from my water pouch. Are you thirsty? Or do you want to get changed? You've been extremely sweaty."