Rowena & Julian

Rowena wasn't blind when it came to conventional attractiveness. However, just the thought of looking at Julian as a man finally sunk in, it left an awkward feeling in her stomach.

She tried to imagine what it was like to be close and intimate with him—for him to reach out and touch her cheek, but she didn't feel anything. There was no stirring in her heart nor did she feel embarrassed or ashamed.

It was just normal.

Something that might have been a friendly pat on her cheek, or like when he messed with her hair and had a mischievous grin on his face. The thought of Julian smiling also made her smile.

However, the thought of it didn't give her any goosebumps or butterflies in her belly as Lady Liz once claimed to her. 

Rowena gulped and folded her hands together. "Maybe Julian had a point?"

Perhaps the reason why she didn't know if she loved Julian was because she didn't love him?